
In 1972, eight building inspectors in the southwestern portion of Wisconsin joined together with a vision of creating an organization dedicated to building inspectors and building industry professionals located throughout the southwest region of the state.

Their mission was to create an organization that would:

-Promote higher professional and ethical standards in the field of building inspection.
-Establish and maintain a good working relationship within the building industry.
-Promote the uniformity of the Building Codes.
-Periodically review the introduction of new materials, methods of construction, devices and equipment and recommend code changes to affect the use of such materials and methods when in the best interest of the public.
-Promote uniform administration, interpretation and enforcement of Building Codes and support the concept of Uniform Codes.
-Hold periodic educational and informational meetings.

In the Madison City-County Building, at 9:55 PM on August 15, 1972, their vision came to life, as the South West Wisconsin Building Inspectors Association was chartered.  The founding members were:

William G. Bakken, Madison

Eugene R. Dally, La Crosse

Norbert Bollenbach, Madison

Hart B. DeNoble, Madison

James Brereton, Janesville

Howard Dudley, Beloit

Rod G. Brunton, Jr., Beloit

Roy C. Godgluck, Janesville

2024 marks the 52nd Anniversary of SWWBIA.  In 52 years, the Association has grown from the original 8 charter members, to more than 125 members located within the 18 county region of the Association.